
International Media Institute (IIM)

Spiegelgasse 10

A-1010 Vienna

ZVR: 1898598356

Phone: +43 1 9977066


Bank details: IBAN: AT37 1500 0005 0149 9339 – BIC: OBKLAT2L

Transparency Register of the European Union: 365618648711-83

The International Media Institute (IIM), whose activity is not aimed at profit, aims at and promotes, in the sense of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of the United Nations, the cooperation of media professionals, with special attention to the comprehensive, truthful information of consumers, especially in online media, radio and television, as well as in print media. In addition to a scientific activity, the Institute also has the task of producing media about the results of scientific work in the field of online, audio, video and print. Furthermore, the cooperation among journalists worldwide, also across social, political and cultural borders, is to be organized or promoted and thus new media formats are to be produced. The IIM strives for close cooperation with universities, research institutions, media companies, journalist organizations and journalists. The IIM will not be appropriated by any party, organization or government.

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